Archive GreatReject 15/01/2021 2021 Ten Fatal Errors: Scientists Attack Paper That Established Global PCR Driven Lockdown Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science Watch: Introduction to The Great Reset of Corporate Communism Oh and by the way, covid-19 virus does not exist Watch: Ask The Experts (China Virus and Vaccine) “Asymptomatic patient” is a hoax PCR test is fake – Interview with Lawyer Reiner Füllmich Popular conservative voices on Telegram Watch: Urgent Warning For Humanity Watch: Dr. Judy Mikovits: The BioSecurity State Illusion Seller of China Virus Tests Says Pandemic is Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated Growing List of Assassinations of China Virus Researchers Detrimental Effects of Lockdowns Divided by Section Watch: This is not a vax, it is irreversible genetic modification Watch: The PCR Deception Trump – Some reality facts mRNA Vaccines Might Prove Catastrophic What is the real motivation for attempting to vaccinate millions of healthy people? Detailed Explanation Of The Great Reset And New World Order What You Need To Know About Conditioning The Masses Updated list of coronavirus vaccine deaths Delores Cahill – The Freedom Airway & Freedom Travel Alliance A reminder that Pfizer is still testing their vaccine according to their own documentation Beyond The Veil – Analysis & Comments on the China Biden Installation President Trump Full Farewell Speech at Joint Base Andrews Sendoff 1/20/21 Letters of No Consent for masks, testing, vaccines FAKE: Biden sworn in as ‘president’ Hundreds of climate scientists demand immediate halt to Bill Gates’ genocidal ‘solar dimming’ project CIA drops ‘black vault’ treasury with ‘all’ official UFO documents The Castle Rock Media Event – Starring China Joe Maryam Henein on the Corporation of the United States BOMBSHELL The Chinese Communist Party’s Global Lockdown Fraud The Masonic Takeover of The World – A Warning From A Rome Priest Big Pharma Admits Covid-19 Is a Hoax Short Film – Biden: Laptop From Hell. China made him an offer he did not refuse! Producer of “Hunger Games” talks about Hollywood pedophiles Irish Government admits Covid-19 does not exist. HRR podcast: Governments wage terror campaigns against their own people Divide and Conquer by false narative – Fact Checking The “Fact Checkers” Massacre in Italian nursing homes after corona vaccinations What really makes us sick Polar ice is growing in size – What global warming Bill Gates – A wealthy psychopath Covid-19 Facts Not Fear – What the mainstream media are NOT reporting Interview with Rosa Koire and Willem Engel, 8 February 2021 Mel K and Dr Charlie Ward Monday Morning Meeting 8 February 2021 Covid vaccine is Russian Roulette Top 19 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Take Any Of The Experimental mRNA Treatments Interview Dough Billings with Mel K February 10 2021 German official leaks Interior Ministry report dismissing Corona as “a global false alarm” Official Covid death numbers: the fraud, the killing The situation in Israel shows us how risky covid vaccinations are Johns Hopkins University confirms: You can be vaccinated with a PCR test, even without knowing Father Robert Altier exposes the lies behind the pandemic – “We have been lied to. We have been lied to in a huge way” First there was hypoxia, hypoxemia and hypercapnia, now we have “Mask Mouth” Remember The Last Plandemic? Second Nuremberg tribunal Has been Prepared Watch: PlanDemic Documentary Part 1- Judy Mikovits Mel K Joins Ann Vandersteel On Steel Truth And Brings The Heat Of Truth Pfizer vaccine in Israel: Experts speak of “a new Holocaust” (update: interview with Tamir Turgal ) Outcry To The World From Israel!!! The Optimized Tribe for a Cabal Smackdown After vaccination: Number of deaths in nursing homes explodes NASA admits climate change is natural and caused by the sun BREAKING! International Criminal Court accepts complaint of violation of Nuremberg Code by Israeli government Sacha Stone – S.O.S. Medical Apartheid in Israel Doctor Vernon Coleman: Covid-19 vaccins are Weapons of Mass Destruction Government of Norway indicted for crimes against humanity Vaccination? The virus does not exist! Covid vaccines wreak havoc in Europe, according to official EU statistics Dr. Carrie Madej – The elite’s goal of making us transhumans via synthetic vaccines The heart is not a pump: a refutation of the pressure propulsion premise of heart function Robert David Steele & David Nino Rodrigues: Arise USA The Resurrection Tour & Return of Donald Trump Nick Hudson – Covid 19 and Lockdowns: The Ugly Truth Multiple remarkable court verdicts on one day – It’s collapsing folks States report growing number of COVID-cases among fully vaccinated CDC, FDA maintain vaccine injury denial despite 6,000% increase in deaths reported Cause the problem then offer the solution. The vaccine is the true enemy. British government publishes shocking report on side effects of Corona vaccines – Strokes, blindness, miscarriages How to deal when a friend or family member has been COVID-vaccinated News & critical time for action. 12 states so far committed to disallow vaccine passports. Nuremberg 2.0: “There’s a light at the end of the lockdown tunnel” – Reiner Fuellmich Healthy people don’t make each other sick Japanese Red Cross not accepts blood donations from Corona-vaccinated people Nurse involved in vaccination program speaks out: ‘This is genocide’ A virus develops INSIDE and not outside the body and is not contagious Meanwhile 6,662 DEAD 299,066 INJURED reported: European database of adverse reactions to COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ Covid tests are magnetically tagging you and the vaccine is designed for mass depopulation Mel K & Rob Really See The Red Pill Storm Triggering The Great Awakening 4-18-2021 Big Pharma whistleblower: ‘97% of corona vaccine recipients will become infertile’ Mel K & Rob Really See The Levee Of Lies Failing, A Flood Of Truth Coming How to Neutralize Potential Damage from mRNA Vaccines Irrefutable evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic never existed Michelle Fielding – Tipping Point, Tidal wave of Awakening Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Special Session International Legal Offensive Ann Vandersteel, Mel K and more Dr. Tenpenny & Medical Panel Discuss Covid-19 Vax Mel K & Tim Dever on How We the People Save America Doctors warn of possible transmission of the spike protein created by the injected mRNA to unvaccinated people CIA neurobiology expert on how RNA vaccines control the human brain Mel K & Rob Really – Geopolitical Connections Everywhere Reiner Fuellmich Special Session: International Legal Offensive – Part 2 Dangerous mRNA Covid-19 vaccinations explained in layman’s terms so concerned people understand Willem Engel interviews Chris Sky – Big Hope for Canada! Viruswaarheid / VirusTruth Live International: Colombia COVID Fraud – Lawyers & Medical Experts start legal proceedings against W.H.O and World Leaders for ‘Crimes against Humanity’ How a pandemic can be used to establish global authoritarian power Professor Cahill warns globalists: ‘The game is up’ Nobel Laureate Reveals – COVID-19 Vaccinated Create Variants Mel K and Big Pharma Insider Michael L are Back Answering Questions End Times and the insanity of our collapsing world Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2: ‘In 2 to 3 weeks, big lawsuits will start’ Got jab? No more fly. Dr Judy Mikovits – Free and the Brave Conference May 22, 2021 Top Dutch physician: entire pandemic is a ‘directed mind control’ British funeral director: ‘Number of deaths skyrocketed after start of corona vaccination’ Mel K Joins The Amazing Sean of STG Report Dr. Vernon Coleman: The insane have taken over the asylum and they can kill billions with these injections 87,000 Dutch doctors and nurses refuse to be vaccinated Stay away from the vaccinated – It’s official Experts on the coming threat: Important video! Massive: world renowned doctor blows lid off of covid vaccine “Global time bomb” – First case of postmortem examination of SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated patient; viral RNA found in every organ of the body Dr. Stefan Lanka: “All claims about viruses as pathogens are false” Three British Airways pilots have died of the COVID “vaccine” in the past 7 days Extra-Parliamentary Research Committee talks with Reiner Fuellmich Vaccine remorse hits home Dr. Carrie Madej exposes the nano bot technology in the Covid19 “vaccine” How Trumps vaccines prevent the Great Reset and save humanity Mel K & Big Pharma insider Michael L talk Frequencies, Facts, and Solutions Ahead Nuremberg Trials 2.0 The Int. Criminal Court for Crimes Against Humanity, July 4th 2021 The Dead At Sea Syndicate, Maritime Law and the American Corporation The Fluoride Deception What you didn’t know about President Donald J. Trump. Because they hid it. WEF releases guide on how to coerce and manipulate the public into taking the “vaccine” Mel K & Determined Patriots At Branson Missouri Event Doctors’ responsibility: alert the public worldwide to serious state crime and its cover-up Israeli internist reveals: “Vaccine efficiency is almost zero” Nicholas V & Mel K – Perspective on the Great Awakening Worldwide Mel K & Rob Really – The latest to we the people, had enough yet ? Flood victims Germany get visit from vaccination bus instead of aid Federal lawsuit for immediate discontinuation of COVID vaccines Reiner Fuellmich Update: We are starting to win in Courts! Mel K Welcomes NY Attorney Justice Warrior Carl Schwartz Connecting Consciousness 2021 08 08 How to deal with an employer who pressures you to get “vaccinated” The same shady people own both Big Pharma and the media This gives hope: “Green Passport” rejected throughout Spain More than 23,000 German doctors have quit the genocide campaign Bad Tech vs Good Tech – Perspectives Matter The light at the end of the tunnel is not an illusion Mel K & Big Pharma insider Michael L On Informed Consent, Vax Risks & Antarctica Mysteries Mel K & Catherine Edwards Global Union & Declaration Of The People MAN OF GOD Declaration Of The People Declaration of the People of the United States for Global Peace and Prosperity Reiner Fuellmich interviewed by Mike Adams: Covid crimes against humanity and the coming war crimes tribunals Mel K & Military Trainer Patriot Paul Order now: Your personal non COVID-vaccinated declaration International tribunal – Death by Government Dr. Carrie Madej on the global transhumanist takeover plan & a message of hope Bizarre EU-funded comic book predicted pandemic – with globalists as saviors Top psychiatrist: Left thinkers have psychological disorder Mel K Welcomes Legendary Truth Warrior Roger Stone Reiner Fuellmich – Is There Still Any Point in Going to Court? Funeral director witnesses MASS MURDER by government Love Will Do What’s Right – David Icke Featuring Cathy O’Brien Dr. Vladimir Zelenko takes a BIG RISK by telling all! Nurses Launch Underground COVID Treatment as Hospitals Commit Murder LIVE: Audit Report Released To AZ Senate in Phoenix, AZ 9/24/21 Full Speech: President Donald Trump Rally in Perry, GA 9/25/21 Research groups find sharp metal objects in covid jabs: ‘Very frightening’ War has been declared against the elite and the Australian government “Cursed be ye to hell! You will not destroy the Free World, and your New World Order will not come” Watch: Dr. Zev Zelenko & Stew Peters interview Watch: Mel K Joins Nicholas Veniamen – Road Trip Watch: Great Britain Plan B: Install the New World Order – Army on the streets Watch: Ernst Wolff – Why we are going to win this Watch: “Update from Israel”, Ilana Rachel on the booster that does work…. Watch: Mel K With Big Pharma Insider & Truth Warrior Mike L for a Deep Dive Into The Plandemic 9-30-21 Mel K With Attorney Tom Renz Exposing Medicare Free e-book: Did You Know? The Mysteries Of The World – by Tawsif Emon Why they’re causing a fuel crisis… Time is running out, they are about to take total and final control Lawyer’s Committee: Plandemic and International Legal Approach with Reiner Fuellmich Quantum Physics of Healing President Donald J. Trump Speech in Des Moines, IA 10/9/21 SHOP: “Vaccine”detox Pinus Sylvestris pine needle tea WATCH: The Highwire with Del Bigtree – The Greater Threat: graphene oxide Official government reports show that the fully vaccinated lose their immune system over time – immunodeficiency syndrome Covid “vaccination” deaths Europe week 40: 454.033 “Joe Biden” and OSHA’s “Vaccine” Mandate. It doesn’t Exist. Mel K Back In NYC & David Nino Rodriguez Mel K With Truth Seeker & Nick Caturano The Vigano Tapes: The Complete Interview Famous Austrian philosopher predicted a vaccine blocking spirituality century ago More Evidence They Want You Dead! Dr. Coleman It doesn’t take long anymore Mel K & Rob Really Return All their old models, the Keynesian ideas, everything has collapsed – Martin Armstrong Mel K and Charlie Ward Monday Morning Meeting Are covid “vaccines” giving people AIDS? Immune system functions are dropping around 5% EACH WEEK in those who were vaccinated Dr. Carrie Madej Releases FIRST LOOK at Pfizer Vial Contents Q&A with Aaron Antis, Clay Clark & Charlie Ward, the Great Reset book and the gold standard New evidence for infanticide in the creation of the fetal cell line used for COVID vaccine testing Covid does not exist & How to refuse mandated jabs, get ready to say NO! (with documents) Dr. Sam Bailey: How To Spot Covid-19 Misinformation The backlash against vaccine lies and media propaganda GPs: Betrayal, Genocide and the Truth Dr. Richard Fleming – How The Vaxx is Breaking Down the Body Updates with Mel & Charlie 25 Oct. 2021 Covid 19 and the PCR test – No pandemic, only junk data! Mel K Welcomes Gary Kah & Leigh Dundas Those who got the shot can never become fully immune again – Government statistics reveal the shocking truth Arise Australia! Riccardo Bosi & Sacha Stone A powerful message and warning to police worldwide USA: up to 40% of all intelligence personnel refuse Corona “vaccination” Funeral director speaks out about his observations over the past 2 years Explosive Interview for Our World, Now is Our Time JFK to 911: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick… Stay calm: The end game has begun Dr. Carrie Madej – The Battle For Humanity EUROPA – The Last Battle: part 4,5,6 Viruses do not cause disease – Dr Sam Bailey EUROPA – The Last Battle: part 7,8,9 EUROPA – The Last Battle: part 10 (final) A message from Archbishop Vigano – The gates of hell 2,433 U.S. dead babies in VAERS as new study shows mRNA injections are not safe for pregnant women Why the elite’s wet dream isn’t going to come true How long will the vaccinated live? The answer from the inventor of graphene oxide Rebellion has begun in Melbourne: ‘Something amazing is happening’ Covid Jabs are Premeditated First Degree Murder, says Dr. Zelenko Watch: Plandemic 2 – Indoctornation Dr. David Martin – Follow the Patents, Then You Will Understand Covid The Trueman Show with Catherine Austin Fitts High-ranking French Vaccination Pope: “Vaccinated people should be quarantined and isolated from society.” Watch: Judge Demands Elites Face New Round of Nuremberg Trials – Slams Experimental ‘Vaccine’ Revolt of armed forces and police against dictatorship: Government gets beaten up Mel joins The Fly Over Conservatives David & Stacy for their new weekly show Mel K & Jason Bermas: Anti Humanity Transhumanism, AI & Fighting Back Reiner Fuellmich to be guest at ‘Nuremberg 2.0’ launch in Poland Why they will never mandate the quaccinations… Mel K With Dr. Zelenko – Truth about Covid EU Advisory Group: All vaccinated should be quarantined during winter Mel K Joins patriot warrior & Trump photographer Gene Ho David Icke interviewed by Jean Nolan Dr. Vernon Coleman explains why most of the Covid-19 “vaccinated” will die early Mel K joins Fly Over Conservatives for a deep dive on the New World Order agenda The Trueman Show with David Icke Toxicologist warns against Covid jabs “We could make an entire generation infertile” Satan’s super-rich elite led by Klaus Swab wants to restore the Nazi empire RFK Jr. on his new book “The Real Anthony Fauci” at Tucker Carlson Today Dr. Vernon Coleman – We Are Winning The War!2022 Open letter doctors to German parliament – Doctors stand up! Former president of Bolivia found clues to NWO depopulation agenda in IMF documents Why flights have been shut down world wide Reiner Fuellmich: “New findings enough to dismantle the entire (VAX) industry!” What is graphene oxide and why is it in corona vaccines? ‘This is a nightmare out of all proportion’ Lufthansa has to cancel flights because too many pilots called in sick, and it’s not Corona Meet Dr. Amandha Vollmer The Tipping Point – Infinite Waters French rebels massively destroy 5G networks We will not forget. We will not forgive. There will be a reckoning. Mel K Joins Nicholas Veniamen – The Battles Moves On Everything Wrong with the Capitol (fake) Shooting Pilot opens up book: ‘The jab has completely destroyed my life’ Hitler & the Demonic Banksters X22: Trump Setup The [CB] & Puppet Masters, They Took The Bait Will there be an alien false flag? 10 days of darkenss with Simon, Mel & Charlie Dr. Vernon Coleman – There will be big problems for the vaxxed Prominent Danish daily newspaper apologizes: “We have failed” Reiner Füllmich & 50 lawyers: ”The vaccines are designed to kill and depopulate the planet” Large raids in southern Germany for unvaxxed people with fake vax passports Pfizer uses children as legitimate human shield to protect itself from lawsuits over covid vaccines Introducing: Kontrollgruppenteilnemer / “Vaccine” Control Group Participant card (new version) The House of Cards is collapsing: EU government officially admits Covid vax destroys immune system Santos Bonacci talks about the birth trust Larken Rose – The Myth of Authority the most dangerous superstition Dr. Reiner Fuellmich gives Maria Zeee an update on Nuremberg 2.0 President Donald Trump speech live in Florence, AZ 1/15/22 Mouth masks – an exercise in obedience Catherine Austin Fitts unravels the major truth behind Covid19 Insurance companies begin denying coverage for vaccine claims Covid-19: Pharmaceutical giants, Gates, Fauci, UK officials accused of crimes against humanity in International Criminal Court complaint Laboratories in US can’t find Covid-19 in one of 1,500 positive tests Green light, military, hollywood, queen, qfs Mel K & Patriot Paul Marsters Join Paul Boys and Alpa Soni as they reconnect:the road ahead Good news from Austria. In case of mandatory vaccination never pay the fine but challenge it legally. Jab regret: Covid jab victims “Don’t take this poison” The last dance of the tyrants Mel K, Lawyer Leigh Dundas & Charlie Ward FULL SPEECH: President Donald Trump Rally Live In Conroe, TX 1/29 LIVE: Freedom Convoy arrives in Ottawa Dr. Tenpenny & C Clark – The Vaccination Agenda Is Darker Than Anyone Could Imagine Tiny girl begins to menstruate heavily after Pfizer Covid jab Mayor issues decree to shoot German vaccine critics The Freedom of Being Nobody – Ram Dass It Was All a Distraction Nuremberg 2 – It’s starting: Investigative Committee Grand Jury Statements Calgary Police officer is making a public stand against Trudeau Macron panicked over ‘DNA theft’ and refuses Covid test for Putin meeting Attorney Thomas Renz: The Coverup Phase Has Begun, The Evidence Will Bring Down Big Pharma The Truckers are truly the People’s Army Flyover Conservatives with: David Nino Rodriguez & Juan O Savin Most People Don’t Even Realize What’s Coming Alpa Soni and the WTF show with special guest: Jason Q PART 2 Mel K & Author Matt Ehret on hidden history Trump is back and going to war against the “Deep State”, CPAC 2022 full speech Ukraine Press Release About Joe Biden/Deep State Corruption In the Ukraine Westerner Stuck in Ukraine: Don’t Believe The Propaganda, Russia is Winning The War Mel K & Rob Really _ Geopolitical Roundup WHO is World Government. Power grab scheduled for May 1, 2022. With “relaxations” you are being framed. The liberation of Ukraine – News From Donetsk, Ukraine with “Texas” & Alina Ukraine on Fire: The Real Story – 2014 Full Documentary by Oliver Stone Russia is cleaning the Deep State out of Ukraine Putin’s Secret War: Ukrainian Bioweapon Labs Exposed The final collapse of the old system Mark-Kishon Christopher a planetary judge for the world, a factual court! Deep State narrative failure, unsealing of the first indictments will bring about unity We are in the final phase of the movement to ‘The Great Reset’; We must win now or lose forever The metaphysical roots of the Ukraine conflict The Central Bank system is being destroyed, the birth of a new economic system Zarina & Alpa Soni: “Density shifts; disclosure & ascending timelines Strawman – The Nature of the Cage The creation and activities of the WEF with U.S. support and leadership Putin holds mega rally in packed Moscow stadium – Glory to Russia! “Reset in Ukraine” Catherine Austin Fitts & Karel van Wolferen about Ukraine, NATO, EU, NWO and WEF President Trump Rally: LIVE From Commerce, GA @12pm ET Fuellmich team lawyer Virginie de Araujo-Recchia arrested and placed in custody Kees Van Der Pijl on NATO, Russia, Ukraine, and the dying West Alpa Soni – The WTF Show with special guest Sean Stone Up close and Personal! Get to know mRNA co-inventor Dr. Robert Malone for real Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry calls climate change a hoax before committee. 2030 UnMasked – Connecting C19, Masks, Vaccines, The Banking System & the Great Reset Malone, Desmet and Vanden Bossche: we must continue to speak out together Documentary “Pervywood Oprah” Part 1 Chris Sky on tour, The Dutch interview Aldous Huxley outlined Great Reset and emergence of world government as early as 1958 David Icke banned from European Union countries for two years – that’s how terrified the cult is of him Did Rockefeller create the artificial scarcity of oil? MEP brings good news: ‘The house of cards is collapsing, they have failed!’2023 THERE IS NO SARSCOV2 VIRUS – And hence, there is no Covid-19 Pandemic. It is all a huge fraud.2024 The Two Putins Non-vaccinated declaration and other Freedom Products Visit GreatReject’s webshop V for Vendetta (full movie) EUROPA – The Last Battle: part 1,2,3 The Lost History of Earth (Full 5 hour Documentary) Spike-Support capsules with nattokinase: Counteract and break down spike proteins and blood clots in your body Gift set: Pure copper bottle (900ml) + 2 cups, hammered finish (updated) Pine needles: super drug against the harmful spike proteins of the Covid jab & other useful references for spike detoxification (new version) ID-card for the Living Man or Woman Protect yourself from EMF & 5G radiation with Gold-plated hologram sticker Gift set: Pure copper bottle (900ml) + 2 cups, flower engraved Show them you’re awake with the WAKE THE F*CK UP sign Orgonite pyramid: balance and harmonize energy in the environment Increase plant growth with our copper electroculture antenna & starter kit Pure copper cups and mugs for healthy vital water ZeroWater: This is how you get the purest possible water All 9/11 Flights Were Diverted to Westover Air Force Base, Massachusetts-Passengers Murdered2025 Statement Refusal mRNA contaminated blood transfusion 3 in 1 set: Faraday bag, phone camera cover & anti-radiation sticker Deepseek AI: I Asked Deepseek “Who really controls the world?” Short of grounding? 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