Why the elite’s wet dream isn’t going to come true

The global elite has brilliantly taken the world by storm. But they have forgotten one thing, Jan Bennink writes. Us. No one with a sound mind is interested in their ambitious plans.

Let me tell you something, They’re not going to make it. The Fourth Reich is not going to happen. At least, not now. They’ve thought everything out to perfection and worked it out over many decades down to the smallest devilish details.

From 5G to surveillance drones, nanomachines and botswarms, from subcutaneous chips to police robots and all-monitoring apps. From thousands of detailed Covid protocols, which were ready for use as early as February 2020, to Sustainable Development Goals in deceptively fresh springtime hues.

They have, smooching and smirking, created for themselves a brilliant panopticon with the world’s population, shivering in their cells, forged behind bars of fear of invisible particles.

They have, deeming themselves omnipotent, pontificated behind the controls in the spotlight, at the epicenter of prison planet Earth. Billions of souls, like swarming flies, to be followed on one handy monitor, from the control room, where they imagine themselves untouchable.

How hard they have worked. How cleverly their plans and schedules are put together. Those globally coordinated and perfectly timed fear campaigns, those cold stores packed with gene therapies, the press and media bought in and stars and influencers bribed.

What devilish respect is deserved for the worldwide elimination of parliamentary democracy and the balking of obstinate doctors, scientists and government leaders by blackmail, threats, concealment, bribery and mishaps.

How brilliant, the vile divide et impera, which invalidates social structures and paralyzes entire communities for fear of a virus. They have thought of everything in their splendid isolation. But one minuscule detail they forgot.


The elite, lauding themselves with gold and money, in all their hubris, developed a blind spot for the creativity, the combativeness, the intelligence and the curiosity and the Divine in every human being. They simply could no longer imagine the power of the individual, let alone the collective, and saw a herd of slaughter sheep without wisdom of the crowd, without power of the herd. Sheep, ready to be herded and culled at will.

It is the foolhardy arrogance that cost Louis the Sixteenth and his Marie Antoinette the marble necks, because they simply could not imagine that the vulgar, the grey, the stupid plebs, the sansculottes would clump together and destroy all their splendor in an orgy of revolutionary violence.

In their blind, haughty autism, the elite have forgotten to rig up a draconian apparatus with carbines and clubs, with snitches and bloodhounds, big enough to control the herds when they run wild by the billions.

There is no Gestapo of consequence, no Sicherheitsdienst or Grune Polizei. There are no millions of elite soldiers who have sworn a blood oath. No monsters wearing their black uniforms and stomping into the beat and thumping the squares before their eyes. There are no executioners who can substitute the fear of a cold virus for the fear of torture or execution.

It is their blind faith in incantations, media lies and spells, and their endless reliance on the power of systems, protocols, propaganda, science and technology, that will put the tie of raw rope on them.

In their arrogance of confidential think tanks, Chatham House private meetings and Bilderberg conference rooms, they thought they could get away with smoke and mirrors as weapons.

It will not prove sufficient. For apart from the missing knot that keeps tyranny alive, they forgot to deploy the Wunderwaffe, which is essential if you want to enslave or destroy a people.

And that is love.

And is no passion at all for their ideas. No enthusiastic crowds like at the Party Days in Nuremberg or the Sportpalast in Berlin. No chicken stretches her arm up to them. No Meine Ehre heist Treue. No one cuts down with a smile on his mouth in front of these hideous people.

They may have created an immeasurable mass with a stiff right arm, but by injection and not out of enthusiasm for their ideas, let alone their repulsive personalities.
Without exception, their advocates and ambassadors have been bought, aided, deceived or blackmailed and these poor souls look increasingly pale and unhappy.

The Third Reich already proved that an entire people will be led to the slaughter solely out of sincere love. They forgot to get us on their side before turning us aside. That is their fatal mistake.

More and more cracks appear in their story, through which the truth seeps mercilessly.
We are waiting for the moment when the people who are still obediently in their cells realize that their bars are not forged from iron, but from deception and lies.

That they can get out of their cells with impunity, despite the warnings that reverberate from the loudspeakers. That there are only a few guards. With chicken necks and spaghetti arms. I wouldn’t trade places with the elite. They have not understood the most important instruction in their handbook.

“But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.” To stifle rebellion, unconditional love is essential.

Translated from Dutch

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6 thoughts on “Why the elite’s wet dream isn’t going to come true

  1. What a magnificent and defiant reply to Gates and the boys from hell. I congratulate the author and hope this article will reach everyone to give them the one thing that will help them overcome despair: that most precious of gifts – HOPE!

  2. God will stop them and He will use US to do that. The likes of Gates, Fauci, Soros, etc think that they can and will control humankind and take over God’s role within God’s creation, must think again. Don’t play with God!!!

  3. Psa 2:2  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, 
    Psa 2:3  Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. 
    Psa 2:4  He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. 
    Psa 2:5  Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

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