Tag: Debunked

Official Covid death numbers: the fraud, the killing
There are several reasons to reject and ignore ALL Covid statistics Chief among the reasons – no one has proved… read more Official Covid death numbers: the fraud, the killing

Polar ice is growing in size – What global warming
NSIDC: 2020 Polar Ice doing just fine According to the latest October report from the National Snow and Ice Data… read more Polar ice is growing in size – What global warming
Irish Government admits Covid-19 does not exist.
A Freedom of Information request to the Department of Health in Ireland has produced a letter from the government admitting… read more Irish Government admits Covid-19 does not exist.
BOMBSHELL The Chinese Communist Party’s Global Lockdown Fraud
An open letter written by a group of lawyers, scientists, doctors and retired Brig. General Robert Spalding has been sent… read more BOMBSHELL The Chinese Communist Party’s Global Lockdown Fraud
Watch: The PCR Deception
Reports are streaming in, declaring a Dark Winter for the world due to COVID19. The media rushes to tell the… read more Watch: The PCR Deception
Watch: This is not a vax, it is irreversible genetic modification
Dr. Andrew Wakefield Warns: “This Is Not A Vaccine, It Is Irreversible Genetic Modification” Goes on to explain the difference… read more Watch: This is not a vax, it is irreversible genetic modification
Seller of China Virus Tests Says Pandemic is Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated
Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told Canadian government officials in Alberta during a phone conference that the coronavirus pandemic is… read more Seller of China Virus Tests Says Pandemic is Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated

Watch: Dr. Judy Mikovits: The BioSecurity State Illusion
Joining me today is someone you are all very familiar with, and that’s in large part due to the unjust… read more Watch: Dr. Judy Mikovits: The BioSecurity State Illusion
Watch: Urgent Warning For Humanity
Everybody must see this critical documentary about the COVID-19 vaccine. Download the video, so you can upload it everywhere: Facebook,… read more Watch: Urgent Warning For Humanity
“Asymptomatic patient” is a hoax
At this point, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence showing that the PCR tests are not doing what they’re… read more “Asymptomatic patient” is a hoax