Declaration of the People of the United States for Global Peace and Prosperity
Please share widely on your social channels. WHEN in the Course of recent human Events, it becomes necessary for… read more Declaration of the People of the United States for Global Peace and Prosperity
MAN OF GOD Declaration Of The People
Declaration of the People of the United States for Global Peace and Prosperity Foundation statement: Declaration of the People of… read more MAN OF GOD Declaration Of The People

Global Union & Declaration Of The People
Mel, Charlie & Simon On The State Of Our Global Union & Declaration Of The People Foundation statement: Declaration of… read more Global Union & Declaration Of The People
Mel K & Catherine Edwards
Mel and Catherine together again on the onslaught of global tyranny, maintaining your health sovereignty and how to fight back… read more Mel K & Catherine Edwards
Mel K & Big Pharma insider Michael L On Informed Consent, Vax Risks & Antarctica Mysteries
Mel and Michael dig into informed consent, pressures of the vaccine mandates and the strange mysteries around Antarctica. We the… read more Mel K & Big Pharma insider Michael L On Informed Consent, Vax Risks & Antarctica Mysteries
The light at the end of the tunnel is not an illusion
The light at the end of the tunnel is not an illusion with nancy kremer & charlie ward Order now:… read more The light at the end of the tunnel is not an illusion

Bad Tech vs Good Tech – Perspectives Matter
We’ve all seen the changes of furs, from different Tech Giants, from start-ups to pure evil. Sure, you’ve heard the… read more Bad Tech vs Good Tech – Perspectives Matter

More than 23,000 German doctors have quit the genocide campaign
The German vaccination machine is beginning to falter. In quite a few general practitioners’ offices, vaccinations are no longer being… read more More than 23,000 German doctors have quit the genocide campaign

This gives hope: “Green Passport” rejected throughout Spain
Not only in France has the last word been said, but also in Spain the future of the vaccination passport… read more This gives hope: “Green Passport” rejected throughout Spain

The same shady people own both Big Pharma and the media
What do The New York Times and a majority of other legacy media have in common with Big Pharma? Answer:… read more The same shady people own both Big Pharma and the media
How to deal with an employer who pressures you to get “vaccinated”
If you are being forced to Vax in order to keep your job, here’s a great way to handle it…. read more How to deal with an employer who pressures you to get “vaccinated”
Connecting Consciousness 2021 08 08
Updates with Simon and Becky answering CC member questions. Order now: Your personal non COVID “vaccinated” declaration

Mel K Welcomes NY Attorney Justice Warrior Carl Schwartz
Mel is joined by New York Attorney Carl Schwartz who is fighting NY States abuse of power and corruption. His… read more Mel K Welcomes NY Attorney Justice Warrior Carl Schwartz

Reiner Fuellmich Update: We are starting to win in Courts!
This is a message to all of humanity. We are starting to win in courts. I believe that Alberta backed… read more Reiner Fuellmich Update: We are starting to win in Courts!

Federal lawsuit for immediate discontinuation of COVID vaccines
America’s Frontline Doctors has filed a motion to stop the use of COVID vaccines for emergency use for anyone under… read more Federal lawsuit for immediate discontinuation of COVID vaccines

Flood victims Germany get visit from vaccination bus instead of aid
It can hardly be surpassed in terms of unconscionability: while the German government spends more than 30 billion euros a… read more Flood victims Germany get visit from vaccination bus instead of aid