High-ranking French Vaccination Pope: “Vaccinated people should be quarantined and isolated from society.”
The UK Column channel recently had the opportunity to interview leading French vaccine expert Professor Christian Perronne on the subject… read more High-ranking French Vaccination Pope: “Vaccinated people should be quarantined and isolated from society.”

The Trueman Show with Catherine Austin Fitts
Catherine Austin Fitts worked as an investment broker. During the government of George H.W. Bush, she worked as “Assistant Secretary… read more The Trueman Show with Catherine Austin Fitts

Dr. David Martin – Follow the Patents, Then You Will Understand Covid
Here is the much talked about presentation by Dr. David Martin at the Red Pill Expo 2021. He puts names… read more Dr. David Martin – Follow the Patents, Then You Will Understand Covid

Watch: Plandemic 2 – Indoctornation
The Digital Freedom Platform by London Real exclusively livestreamed what might be the most important documentary you will ever see:… read more Watch: Plandemic 2 – Indoctornation

Covid Jabs are Premeditated First Degree Murder, says Dr. Zelenko
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko MD joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the deadly reality of the COVID jab. Website… read more Covid Jabs are Premeditated First Degree Murder, says Dr. Zelenko

Rebellion has begun in Melbourne: ‘Something amazing is happening’
Melbourne is in an uproar, says ‘Aussie Cossack’ Simeon Boikov in a YouTube video to his 125,000 subscribers. “It’s a… read more Rebellion has begun in Melbourne: ‘Something amazing is happening’

How long will the vaccinated live? The answer from the inventor of graphene oxide
Generals of the devil: Gates, Schwab, Merkel, Canderian. Everyone knows who Bill Gates is. More and more people know who… read more How long will the vaccinated live? The answer from the inventor of graphene oxide

Why the elite’s wet dream isn’t going to come true
The global elite has brilliantly taken the world by storm. But they have forgotten one thing, Jan Bennink writes. Us…. read more Why the elite’s wet dream isn’t going to come true

2,433 U.S. dead babies in VAERS as new study shows mRNA injections are not safe for pregnant women
There are now 2,433 fetal deaths recorded in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) from pregnant women injected with one… read more 2,433 U.S. dead babies in VAERS as new study shows mRNA injections are not safe for pregnant women

A message from Archbishop Vigano – The gates of hell
The courageous Archbishop Vigano delivers a new message for humanity. Order now: Your personal non COVID “vaccinated” declaration and other… read more A message from Archbishop Vigano – The gates of hell

EUROPA – The Last Battle: part 10 (final)
Our choices are no longer just Left or Right, our choices are Nationalism or Globalism/International Communism. No matter what the… read more EUROPA – The Last Battle: part 10 (final)

EUROPA – The Last Battle: part 7,8,9
“If what we are doing to the Germans is ‘Liberty’, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can… read more EUROPA – The Last Battle: part 7,8,9

Viruses do not cause disease – Dr Sam Bailey
Basically, Germ Theory is rooted in the fraudulent – but pharmaceutically lucrative – work of Louis Pasteur. Whereas most people… read more Viruses do not cause disease – Dr Sam Bailey

EUROPA – The Last Battle: part 4,5,6
The German invasion was Sep 1939, but it’s important to understand that many of the outrages had preceded the German… read more EUROPA – The Last Battle: part 4,5,6

Dr. Carrie Madej – The Battle For Humanity
Dr. Carrie Madej talks about the dangers and hidden plans of covid vaccines. Watch next: Viruses do not cause disease… read more Dr. Carrie Madej – The Battle For Humanity

Stay calm: The end game has begun
Do you feel it? It’s coming to an eruption it’s getting worse and worse, faster and faster. For the most… read more Stay calm: The end game has begun