
Posted in Society

Meet Dr. Amandha Vollmer

Amandha Dawn Vollmer holds a bachelor of science in Agricultural Biotechnology from the University of Lethbridge (2000) in Alberta, Canada… read more Meet Dr. Amandha Vollmer

Posted in Medical Science

What is graphene oxide and why is it in corona vaccines? ‘This is a nightmare out of all proportion’

Spanish researchers recently discovered that Pfizer’s and AstraZeneca’s “corona vaccines” are largely made up of graphene oxide. What is graphene… read more What is graphene oxide and why is it in corona vaccines? ‘This is a nightmare out of all proportion’

Posted in News

Reiner Fuellmich: “New findings enough to dismantle the entire (VAX) industry!”

Logical conclusion will lead one to realize The “jab” is certainly a huge multi-faceted mega experiment, where the human population… read more Reiner Fuellmich: “New findings enough to dismantle the entire (VAX) industry!”

Posted in Lawsuits

Why flights have been shut down world wide

Allowing pilots who were vaccinated with experimental, unapproved vaccines, and without a one-year waiting period, to fly was in violation… read more Why flights have been shut down world wide

Posted in News

Former president of Bolivia found clues to NWO depopulation agenda in IMF documents

Former president of Bolivia Evo Morales spoke last week as president of the MAS-IPSP at a roundtable discussion on the… read more Former president of Bolivia found clues to NWO depopulation agenda in IMF documents

Posted in News

Dr. Vernon Coleman – We Are Winning The War!

In his 300th video (many of which were deleted by YouTube), retired medical doctor and international best-selling author, Dr Vernon… read more Dr. Vernon Coleman – We Are Winning The War!

Posted in Vaccine

RFK Jr. on his new book “The Real Anthony Fauci” at Tucker Carlson Today

Robert Kennedy Jr. is interviewed by Tucker Carlson about his new book, “The Real Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma… read more RFK Jr. on his new book “The Real Anthony Fauci” at Tucker Carlson Today

Posted in Health

Toxicologist warns against Covid jabs “We could make an entire generation infertile”

During this time, the miscarriage rate is a whopping 82% – a recipe for disaster. Yet they continue to fraudulently… read more Toxicologist warns against Covid jabs “We could make an entire generation infertile”

Posted in Society

The Trueman Show with David Icke

This 54th show took Jorn Luka from The Netherlands on another international trip. For he went to visit non other… read more The Trueman Show with David Icke

Posted in News

Mel K joins Fly Over Conservatives for a deep dive on the New World Order agenda

ICYMI a few days ago, Mel joined The Fly Over Conservatives David & Stacy for their weekly show “The One… read more Mel K joins Fly Over Conservatives for a deep dive on the New World Order agenda

Posted in Health

Dr. Vernon Coleman explains why most of the Covid-19 “vaccinated” will die early

The Covid-19 injections cause numerous short-term problems, but what are the long-term risks? Having studied the evidence, international best-selling author… read more Dr. Vernon Coleman explains why most of the Covid-19 “vaccinated” will die early

Posted in Society

David Icke interviewed by Jean Nolan

David Icke joined Jean Nolan for an INSPIRED Interview – What is really going on in the world? Who runs… read more David Icke interviewed by Jean Nolan

Posted in News

Mel K Joins patriot warrior & Trump photographer Gene Ho

Latest updates and analysis with Mel K and Gene Ho Website: themelkshow Order now: Your personal non COVID “vaccinated” declaration… read more Mel K Joins patriot warrior & Trump photographer Gene Ho

Posted in News

EU Advisory Group: All vaccinated should be quarantined during winter

The World Health Organization’s European Advisory Group on Immunization, former vice-president Professor Christian Perronne said yesterday that all vaccinated persons… read more EU Advisory Group: All vaccinated should be quarantined during winter

Posted in News

Mel K With Dr. Zelenko – Truth about Covid

Mel interviews Dr. Zelenko about some of the dangers in todays agenda, money and eugenics driven healthcare system and some… read more Mel K With Dr. Zelenko – Truth about Covid

Posted in Lawsuits

Reiner Fuellmich to be guest at ‘Nuremberg 2.0’ launch in Poland

People are in a sh*t situation and have pinned their hopes on, among others, Reiner Fuellmich (Füllmich is also written)… read more Reiner Fuellmich to be guest at ‘Nuremberg 2.0’ launch in Poland