Tag: Fake News

The Two Putins
The original Putin was said to have been deranged mobster and gangster, according to members of the Russian government. He… read more The Two Putins
Everything Wrong with the Capitol (fake) Shooting
Was Ashli Babbit, an seasoned US Air Force veteran and Trump supporter, shot and killed during the Capitol Hill siege?… read more Everything Wrong with the Capitol (fake) Shooting
“Global time bomb” – First case of postmortem examination of SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated patient; viral RNA found in every organ of the body
The very first autopsy of a person vaccinated against COVID-19 who was found to be negative 18 days later after… read more “Global time bomb” – First case of postmortem examination of SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated patient; viral RNA found in every organ of the body
Experts on the coming threat: Important video!
The Daystar Television Network (commonly referred to as Daystar Television , often abbreviated to Daystar) is an American evangelical Christian… read more Experts on the coming threat: Important video!
Professor Cahill warns globalists: ‘The game is up’
Irish professor Dolores Cahill, who has often warned about the dangers of corona vaccines, walked in the freedom march in… read more Professor Cahill warns globalists: ‘The game is up’

NASA admits climate change is natural and caused by the sun
For more than 60 years, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has known that changes in weather conditions on… read more NASA admits climate change is natural and caused by the sun

Covid-19 Facts Not Fear – What the mainstream media are NOT reporting
This isĀ about our freedom being slowly taken away Thousands of jobs are being destroyed, cancer screenings cancelled, families and… read more Covid-19 Facts Not Fear – What the mainstream media are NOT reporting