
Posted in Awakening Vaccine Video

Massive: world renowned doctor blows lid off of covid vaccine

Dr. Peter McCullough discusses the dangers of the novel COVID vaccine and it’s roll out. This is a product that… read more Massive: world renowned doctor blows lid off of covid vaccine

Posted in Awakening News Video

Experts on the coming threat: Important video!

The Daystar Television Network (commonly referred to as Daystar Television , often abbreviated to Daystar) is an American evangelical Christian… read more Experts on the coming threat: Important video!

Posted in Medical Science Vaccine

Stay away from the vaccinated – It’s official

Read it and shudder, Pfizers’s own documents state that both inhalation and skin contact will transmit what is in the… read more Stay away from the vaccinated – It’s official

Posted in News Video

87,000 Dutch doctors and nurses refuse to be vaccinated

Dr. Elke de Klerk says in an interview that 87,000 doctors and nurses in the Netherlands do not want to… read more 87,000 Dutch doctors and nurses refuse to be vaccinated

Posted in Awakening Health Vaccine

Dr. Vernon Coleman: The insane have taken over the asylum and they can kill billions with these injections

“I have been warning about the covid-19 injections for many, many months. My first videos about the real dangers were… read more Dr. Vernon Coleman: The insane have taken over the asylum and they can kill billions with these injections

Posted in News Video

Mel K Joins The Amazing Sean of STG Report

Mel K Joins The Amazing Sean of STG Report For Another Truth & Fact Packed Report 5-31-2021 We love what… read more Mel K Joins The Amazing Sean of STG Report

Posted in Video

Dr Judy Mikovits – Free and the Brave Conference May 22, 2021

Dr Judy Mikovits – Free and the Brave Conference May 22, 2021 ⁣Dr. Judy Mikovits Author of “Plague of Corruption”… read more Dr Judy Mikovits – Free and the Brave Conference May 22, 2021

Posted in Lawsuits News Video

Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2: ‘In 2 to 3 weeks, big lawsuits will start’

Many people have pinned their hopes on German-American lawyer Reiner Fuellmich to save us from the clutches of the big… read more Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2: ‘In 2 to 3 weeks, big lawsuits will start’

Posted in News Video

End Times and the insanity of our collapsing world

Clay Clark and Mike Adams talk End Times and the insanity of our collapsing world

Posted in News Video

Mel K and Big Pharma Insider Michael L are Back Answering Questions

Mel K and Big Pharma Insider Michael L are Back Answering Questions & Sharing Truth 5-20-2021

Posted in Medical Science

Nobel Laureate Reveals – COVID-19 Vaccinated Create Variants

Prof. Luc Montagnier says epidemiologists are familiar with this phenomenon, known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” but “keep quiet about it.” Although… read more Nobel Laureate Reveals – COVID-19 Vaccinated Create Variants

Posted in Awakening Lawsuits Video

Professor Cahill warns globalists: ‘The game is up’

Irish professor Dolores Cahill, who has often warned about the dangers of corona vaccines, walked in the freedom march in… read more Professor Cahill warns globalists: ‘The game is up’

Posted in Awakening Video

How a pandemic can be used to establish global authoritarian power

On the internet it goes around that this is the president of Ghana Nana Akufo-Addo speaking, I am not sure… read more How a pandemic can be used to establish global authoritarian power

Posted in News

Viruswaarheid / VirusTruth Live International: Colombia

Report from Colombia about the horrible situation there. Times are getting rougher with terror, curfews and protesters being killed by… read more Viruswaarheid / VirusTruth Live International: Colombia

Posted in News Video

Willem Engel interviews Chris Sky – Big Hope for Canada!

VirusTruth International Interview: Chris Sky in Canada Viruswaarheid Dutchman Willem Engel (angel) interviews Chris Sky about the issues in the… read more Willem Engel interviews Chris Sky – Big Hope for Canada!

Posted in News Video

Mel K & Rob Really – Geopolitical Connections Everywhere

Mel & Rob are seeing geopolitical deep state connections. The deep state is on the defensive and the signs are… read more Mel K & Rob Really – Geopolitical Connections Everywhere