WHO is World Government. Power grab scheduled for May 1, 2022. With “relaxations” you are being framed.

We have the right to consent, not the duty.

An individual exercising the right to consent cannot force another to do the same.

This is why the ridiculous figure of having to be injected with a gene therapy to protect other injected individuals from a disease caused by a non-existent “virus” has arisen. Wearing a mask to protect another who is also wearing one. Locking up a healthy population and forcing a gene therapy to protect old, weak and sick people. EVERYTHING is turned around, your right has become a duty. Our parents have also been skillfully misled linguistically. Disinformation and wars.

We Do Not Consent – Powerful Message to Humanity (2018 Speech)

The World Government

No one has asked for this either. We are led to believe that we have made such a mess of things that there is no other option. To give us a helping hand, we are being healthily and mentally weakened and chipped under false pretenses. Reaming, earning and directing.

Anyone who does not revolt against this is an accomplice!

Ex-WHO employee Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger warns us based on information she received from insiders. WHO wants to take over power because WHO decided it that way. Sneaky people they are. The regimes that participate in it commit high treason and must be culled. The message:

The fact that they are suddenly distancing themselves from restrictions is just a game. The last week of January 2022 WHO  held an emergency meeting and deliberations in Geneva on expanding its powers to take over all member states in the event of a pandemic and “any other form of threat or disaster”. WHO wants member states to sign a new treaty on Covid-19, which expands the 2005 treaty. Once signed by the Ministers of Health, the WHO Constitution (according to its Article 9) takes precedence over a country’s constitution (189 countries have signed the 2005 treaty) during natural disasters or pandemics. Since the definition of pandemic was changed a few years ago (cases based on the PCR test), they can enforce obedience in any country and impose WHO guidelines on the public, which will be mandatory, not just recommended. And that sounds like power over the country and the world. Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, who has worked for the WHO for 20 years, warns that every country should send a public letter of protest to the WHO. “Governments” should draft a letter stating that the people do not accept that the signature of the Minister of Health can decide the fate of millions of people without a referendum. It is very important to send this letter from every country to the WHO in Geneva. WHO wants all countries to implement the measures by May 2022. Dr. Stuckelberger shared the information that so far, only the Russians have sent such a rejection letter!

Please share this article widely.

Source: Herstelderepubliek

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117 thoughts on “WHO is World Government. Power grab scheduled for May 1, 2022. With “relaxations” you are being framed.

      1. I cannot share this as widely as i would like as it contains the murderous statement ” they must be culled”. Thats exactly what is happening to the genetal population unawares, but it will not get the real facts through by promoting more of the same from the opposite side of view. By all means, charge criminal behaviour with treason, due course and strong legal justice is required.
        I do not consent nor authorise any Australian or other authority to consent on my behalf to any diminishment or violation of my essential human rights to bodily security, privacy, freedom to travel, informed consent, freedom of speech and rights to earn an income without harassment, persecution, coercion and/ or discrimination.

        1. “I cannot share this as widely as i would like as it contains the murderous statement ” they must be culled”.
          Culled does not mean murder. When Facebook and Twitter ‘deplatform’ someone or reject their statements, that’s culling.
          Culling simply means removing them from the program. or nullifying their narative. When F. and T. delete someone’s comments, they cull the comment,-they don’t murder the writer!

    1. Die WHO ist der Great Reset des WEF. Sofortiger Ausstieg und Rückforderung aller gezahlte Beiträge.

  1. Bitte sofort raus aus den ganzen- Viruswahn- (selbstgemacht)- Man findet keine Worte mehr

    1. Genau, aber clone menshen, mit keine soul, lønnen Sue ferstehen. Mach viele problemen.

  2. Bitte sofort raus aus den ganzen- Viruswahn- (selbstgemacht)- Man findet keine Worte mehr Ich verstehe nicht was mit die Menschen( falls das überhaupt welche sind)nicht- – WARUM????

  3. Plandemie muss beendet werden .. Einhalt gebieten – der WHO Zuviel Nacht über Länder zu erteilen .. NEIN zu neues Gesetz zur Befähigung den Notstand , wann immer die WHO das möchte , ausrufen zu können .. Freiheit Frieden Selbstbestimmung

  4. Die WHO Ist ein privater, von Gates dominierter Verein, also nicht demokratisch legitimiert. Austritt sofort und die Drahtzieher hinter Gitter

  5. Die WHO Ist ein privater, von Gates dominierter Verein, also nicht demokratisch legitimiert. Austritt sofort und die Drahtzieher hinter Gitter

  6. Sofort austreten und alle Beteiligten für immer wegsperren. Alles Verbrecher an der Menschlichkeit.

  7. Abbiamo il diritto di acconsentire, non il dovere.
    Un individuo che esercita il diritto al consenso non può costringere un altro a fare lo stesso.
    Per questo è sorta la figura ridicola di doversi iniettare una terapia genica per proteggere altri soggetti iniettati da una malattia causata da un “virus” inesistente. Indossare una maschera per proteggere un altro che ne sta indossando una. Rinchiudere una popolazione sana e forzare una terapia genica per proteggere le persone anziane, deboli e malate. TUTTO è capovolto, il tuo diritto è diventato un dovere. Anche i nostri genitori sono stati abilmente ingannati linguisticamente. Disinformazione e guerre.

  8. I don‘t want to make any contract with any company!!!
    Especially not with the WHO !!!!

    1. Niemals sollten wir dem zustimmen. ❗❗❗
      Hände weg von der WHO
      KEINE Macht der WHO ❗❗❗

  9. Die WHO will nicht Leben retten sondern nur Profit und vor allem der Drahtzieher Bill Gates.
    Daher sofort aus der WHO aussteigen.

  10. per favore é possibile avere il link dove Astrid Stuckelberger dice questo, tramite video o articolo? Nel link aggiunto quale fonte non ho trovato, grazie

  11. Sofort raus aus der WHO. Es kommt einer Versklafung sehr nahe. Uns werden die Menschen- und Grundrechte enzoge.

  12. Keine WHO
    Keine korrupte Politik
    Keine Maßnahmen die Mensch und Wirtschaft schadet.
    Keine Regime wie China
    Selbstbestimmung , Volksabstimmung…den wir sind nicht Eure Sklaven

  13. Sofort raus aus der WHO!!
    Hier geht’s schon lange nicht mehr um Gesundheit und das Wohl der Menschen

  14. ¿Ustedes se acuerdan que la gorda sucia, asesina e impresentable de la Vizzoti; antes de empezar su informe diario del circovid, pasaba dos minutos de pulsaciones cardíacas? Tiempo después de que comenzara la inoculación empezaron los infartos y miocarditis en jóvenes y deportistas. Sabían todo lo que iba a pasar y lo tenían todo planeado, están envenenando, enfermando y matando a la humanidad.

  15. Wir müssen vom PC weg, raus aus unserer Komfortzone und auf die Straßen! Wir müssen kämpfen…so schwer es auch fallen mag, sonst ist es zu spät! Wir müssen Bundeswehr und Militär um Hilfe bitten, vielleicht sogar Putin! Es ist die große Erprobung unserer Werte, von Demut und Mut und Verantwortungskompetenz! Wir sind das Volk, dass sich schützend vor unsere Kinder stellen muss- das ist ein Naturgesetz! Sie haben nur uns , um sie zu schützen! Halten wir zusammen und gehen wir zusammen, können wir es schaffen, uns ein Leben das lebenswert ist, in einer gesunden Gesellschaftsstruktur zu erschaffen! Wir müssen es versuchen! Es gibt keine 2.Chance mehr!

  16. Seria vulnerar los derechos de las personas. Además no estan siendo honestos con la informacion q hsy sobre los efevtos secundarios y ls modificacion del genoma humano. Deberian estudiarlo bien para q no sean culpables de genocidio y poder perder las cualidafes q como seres hjumanos tenemos y q nos diferencian d los animales. Sería el mayor retroceso de la humanidad y haber avanzado tanto en estos ultimos siglos seria con alguna intencion q desconozco y q posiblemente ellos tambien desconocen y pueden estar siendo manipulados.

  17. No a aceptar cualquier contrato con la OMS que nos prevé de nuestra libertad mi cuerpo es solo mio y yo decido sobre él

  18. No deseo que sin mi consentimiento me inoculan vaya a saber qué . Solo yo soy soberana de mi cuerpo y organismo.

  19. Non ho nessuna intenzione di aderire a questo nuovo ordine mondiale,la libertà è sacra!!!

  20. Nobody had the right to go above our constitution or take our God given rights away as when that happens it ALWAYS becomes a power grab and the people to suffer is the citizens of the country by having their freedom’s taken away as it has been proved by this covid19. We have God given freedom’s that no man has the right to take.

  21. Wem gehört faktisch die WHO? Ich bin dafür sie abzuschaffen, sie ist eines der größten Probleme unserer Zeit

  22. I disagree to this statement as we are all in charge of our own bodies, and WHO HAS KNOW RIGHT IT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED

  23. Salve, grazie per il vostro lavoro. Perfavore potete condividire il link fonte originale??

  24. Who wants to enforce One World Government, the Pandemics are being used to get people to comply and snare people I to their evil Tyrannical Government.

  25. NO consiento que se me inocule absolutamente NADA en mi cuerpo y solamente YO DECIDO sobre EL.

  26. NO, ME QUIERO SER INOCULADA POR OBLIGACIÓN… ¡¡¡YO DECIDO SOBRE MI CUERPO!!! (Copiado, gracias) Nadie tenía derecho a ir por encima de nuestra constitución o a quitarnos los derechos que Dios nos ha dado, ya que cuando eso sucede, SIEMPRE se convierte en una toma de poder y las personas que sufren son los ciudadanos del país al perder su libertad, como lo ha demostrado esto. COVID-19. Dios nos ha dado libertades que ningún hombre tiene derecho a tomar.

  27. Keine Weitere Vertagsunterzeichnung.
    Austritt sofort. Ende mit Menschenversuchen

  28. Raus aus der WHO!!! Hier geht es nicht um Gesundheit. Profit und Machtgier, darum geht es ihnen.

  29. In der WHO geht es nicht um Gesundheit. Profit und Machtgier, darum geht es ihnen. Keine Vertragsunterzeichnungen und raus aus der WHO!!!

  30. And why have WHO not recognised the Nuremberg Code?!!!!!!
    How dare those psychopaths!!
    They are plotting in their own echo chamber.

    1. The people must draft everywhere, this letter. This is the digital age yes, but we still have pen and paper. You either fight for death or for life no in between. Pray for yourself and enemy to be healed to have healing. It works miracles. So it be.

    1. Raus raus raus…. Wer würde denn die Entscheidung treffen können, SPD und Kasper Olaf, Grüne und ihre fachlichen politpuppen, Merz….. sorry war ein Scherz, FDP… Raus raus raus…. Wer zuerst raus muss seit ihr, sorry, wir alle… Raus aus dem Haus, raus aus dem System,raus raus raus und dann wird’s wohl auch Scheiss egal was eine WHO für Ideen bringt…. unser Volk ist raus, lernt, denkt, entscheidet für sich selbst, für mich selbst für dich um sein Land im ganzen zu entgiften um zu heilen…

  31. “Land was stollen” bulshit imagery.

    Native indian tribes fought each other bloodily for centuries.

    It’s just that the European “tibe” that came in won the last battle. And then the great american experien was birhed.

    The wealth was created after this “invasion”. There was no wealth to speak of before.
    Ther also was no peace.

  32. Rectification:

    “An intergovernmental negotiating body will now be constituted and hold its first meeting by 1 March 2022 (to agree on ways of working and timelines) and its second by 1 August 2022 (to discuss progress on a working draft). It will then deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023, with the aim to adopt the instrument by 2024.

  33. Sir,

    Tge person you quoted is mistaken.
    Their mistake is a major error.
    Here is it:

    “Once signed by the Ministers of Health, the WHO Constitution (according to its Article 9) takes precedence over a country’s constitution…during natural disasters or pandemics.”

    The US Constitution, Article VI of requires that no treaty can violate the Constitution.
    The Bill of Rights (BoR) is part of that Constitution.
    That means no treaty can violate the BoR.
    The BoR broadly encompasses our GOD-GIVEN rights, as seen in BoR’s #9 & 10.

    US Constitution, Article VI also requires ALL public officials (which includes ALL their down-lines, including but not limited to ALL corporations, which are creatures of the state) to obey the mandates of the Constitution. So that means NOBODY in power and business can violate the people’s rights under ANY circumstances. That’s a fact, not my personal opinion.

    Until we learn the facts and ENFORCE them against political insurgents posing as legit public officials, nobody is safe from slavery, mass murder and mass destruction.

  34. Eh acum vedeti de ce da Putin cu tancul in ei ?
    Toti îl blamati dar daca va darama clica asta îi vom pupa mainile.
    Fiti foarte atenti la dezinformari si nu puneti crezul mai ales la presa occidentala si a noastra care e aservita.
    Nu tin cu Putin si nici nu sunt rusofob dar fac legatiri si de regula sunt adevarate.

  35. Ein entschiedenes NEIN in allem! Der Name ‘WHO’ trügt, wie seine Unterstützer! Sie machen krank und bringen der Welt Zerstörung und Tod.

    1. Habe gestern gerade ein für mich sehr interessantes Video
      Mit Carlo Maria Vigano geschaut.Es ist einfach traurig,aber auch
      sehr zu empfehlen. Corona Ausschuss 106 er ist nächsten
      Freitag noch einmal eingeladen.Der Mann weisst wovon er spricht.

  36. Bitte wir müssen nicht nur der WHO und dem eigenen RKI die Schranken zeigen, wir müssen sofort raus sus EU und Nato, sonst sind wir Sklaven und werden alles verlieren inklusiv unser Leben. Könnt Ihr kämpfen, habt ihr das Herz am rechten Fleck? Dann mit Gottes Hilfe, lasst uns einen Neustart, ein Deutsches Heimatland aufbauen! Ich bitte euch inständig, lasst uns zusammenstehen, es ist unsere Chsnce, unsere einzige Chance! Möge uns der Himmel beistehen!

    1. Same question. Fed up with these suggestions of something that will happen but no proof. Give us the text of what will be signed!

  37. BREAKING – EMERGENCY: Dr. Astrid Stukelberger, PhD: World Health Dictatorship by Treaty to replace the Constitutions of the Nations (20 February 2022) – there is an English transcript, a French translation, and supporting documents to Dr. Stukelberger’s 20 Feb 2022 presentation here:

  38. The WHO should be broken up for good. They are not God and never will be. Nobody has any right to control another and our God given freedoms must remain in tact.
    The WHOmust be dissolved along wirh the UN if peace is ever to return to humanity.

  39. The WHO are criminals the only way we can put a stop to these Draconian ideologies is to gather them all and have them euthenized this would be a message for world leaders and wealthy business tycoons that they are next

  40. If it was true about white fella invading Aust so on, there would be no natives left to tell the story. Many natives killed many white fellas to don’t worry, ate them raped them killed them yet all we here is what the white fella done to the native people. enough already.

  41. Same question. Fed up with these suggestions of something that will happen but no proof. Give us the text of what will be signed!

  42. Well Australia is screwed. They are steam rolling us at the moment. There is no way our government will reject it.



  44. The government for The United States of America hereby objects to the WHO (World Health Organization) attempts to govern people’s health or matters without a bilateral social compact agreement and has been labeled an international terrorist organization.

  45. The (NANP) North American National Party and the government of The United States of America hereby objects to the WHO (World Health Organization) et el. without a bilateral social compact agreement and not being a country for attempting to teating with other companies and country and object the Treaty of Paris et el.

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