Cause the problem then offer the solution. The vaccine is the true enemy.

Dr. Ryan Cole is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent labs in the State of Idaho. Dr. Cole is a Mayo Clinic trained Board Certified Pathologist. He is Board Certified in anatomic and clinical pathology, with expertise in immunology and virology.

A summary:

  • Coronavirus infections are seasonal
  • Average COVID-19 age of death in the US is 78.6 years. Average annual US age of death historically 78.6 years. (both around 82 in Western Europe)
  • Face mask wearing outdoors is absolute insanity. No study shows any super-spreader event outdoors. The best mask of all is your immune system.
  • There is no such thing as cold and flu season. There is only low vitamin D season.
  • Inflammatory (cytokine) storm cannot be controlled without adequate vitamin D levels.
  • Massive numbers of Americans have low vitamin D levels.
  • 96% of ICU patients are vitamin D deficient.
  • You cannot synthesize vitamin D from sunlight during fall and winter at 35-degrees north.
  • You living in northern climates you are immune suppressed if you do not supplement with vitamin D during fall and winter.
  • Scandinavian countries (Finland, Norway, Sweden) test their citizens twice a year for vitamin D and fortify 35 foods with vitamin D.
  • Our population is left vulnerable to any seasonal viral infection without a public health program to promote vitamin D adequacy.
  • There is not social disparity of care but the fact darker skin pigmentation inhibits sunshine vitamin D synthesis in the skin.
  • Fauci says he personally takes 8000-9000 units of vitamin D per day but why has this has not become a public health message?
  • The top three public health messages should be: 1- vitamin D; 2- vitamin D; 3- vitamin D.
  • By law, the federal government cannot approve a vaccine if there is a proven treatment. That would be Ivermectin.
  • The government is in bed with a vaccine company; both the federal government and Moderna co-hold patents on their RNA vaccine.
  • The drug Remdesivir only works during the first 2-3 days of the infection. It does not increase survival. It is like peeing on a forest fire.
  • Of patients who have taken Ivermectin, death rate decreased 70-90% in hospitals treating COVID-19 patients.
  • The vaccines are a gene therapy experiment on society.
  • The vaccine is unproven and long-term safety data is unknown.
  • You can get Ivermectin from doctors online.
