In his dystopian novel Brave New World, writer Aldous Huxley predicted that the entire world would one day live under a terrible dictatorship. In this 1958 interview, he explains why his “vision” of hell on earth may soon become a reality.
The interview with Aldous Huxley, by ABC journalist Mike Wallace, will come as a shock to many people. Back in 1958, the writer painted an eerily accurate picture of what we have seen and are seeing happening in the world in recent years and the run-up to it.
During the interview, Huxley talked about the danger of the “uncontrollable passion for power” and the threat that unbridled population growth along with technological developments pose to individual freedoms. The emergence of organizations on a larger scale than ever before, Huxley saw as a great danger to human freedom and democracy.
“As a result, more and more people will live their lives as subordinates in these hierarchical systems controlled by bureaucracy,” Huxley predicted. According to the writer, only decentralization can limit the power of governments and organizations and return it to the individual, something that has not (yet) been heeded given the current balance of power in the world.
Incidentally, some believe that Huxley’s vision of the future was not a prediction, but that he was drawing a blueprint for the future. Indeed, the writer is said to have close ties to Freemasonry, the secretive organization said to be striving for world government.
Brave New World
Aldous Huxley wrote the dystopian novel Brave New World in 1931. The novel is largely set in a futuristic world state whose citizens have been ecologically manipulated into an intelligence-based social hierarchy. The book anticipates enormous scientific advances in reproductive technology, sleep learning, psychological manipulation and classical conditioning. These elements combine to create a dystopian society challenged by only one individual: the story’s protagonist.